Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Sisters Keeper blog #2

So My Sisters Keeper part 2 has been in production for too long, I apologize. Anyway Anna and Sara relationship is doing poorly and we are learning about the past of Jesse. Jesse is alone all the time and is now a pyromaniac and drug user, Fun. The condition Jesse has is also know as pyromania where the impulse to control the urge to not burn has twisted and turned into burning stuff to make himself feel better.

pyromania also known as an impulse-control disorder. Jesse, from what we know, is antisocial and only has one "friend" Dan who watches after his fire kits. One thing however is that Jesse sets fires with a goal not to hurt others proven on page 247 when Jesse saves Rat from his fire. Jesse suffers from individual and environmental situations, with only one friend that Jesse hangs with and neglect from his parents who constantly are taking care of Kate and using Anna as a constant donor.  So Jesse is more than likely doing this to be noticed in his own family from the neglect since Kate had leukemia. The signs are obvious when he was around 11 and he never grew out of his situation. Wandering everywhere with no one seemingly aware of his existence Jesse turned to a life of burning flames, alcohol, and drugs. 

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